Until April 26: Application period for buyers and famtrip selection.
May 3: Buyers' selection and travel confirmation.
The participation requires a deposit cost of 100 €, which must be paid by credit card during the registration process. The payment will be refunded to the participants attending the Meet Catalunya, once the event is over.
No deposit will be required for the Associations.
Please review our Terms & Conditions before registration. The registration to Meet Catalunya 2024 implies the acceptance of these Terms & Conditions.
1. Registration
2. Buy tickets
3. Confirmation
Registre Tancat - Hem cobert les places disponibles.
Contacteu amb Alex Beaumont ([email protected]) per posar-vos en llista d'espera.
Registration closed - please contact Aida Gómez ([email protected]).
Company Name *
Name *
Last name *
Position *
Email *
Confirm email *
Web *
Please add: https://
Corporate phone (will be provided to the suppliers - catalan companies) *
Please add the international code: +33, +44...
Mobile phone (only for the organization) *
Please add the international code: +33, +44...
Company Description: *
Are you looking for a: *
Country *
Type of the buyer (only for suppliers) *
In case your answer is "other", please specify:
Have you ever planned some meetings or incentive programmes in Catalunya? *
In case your answer is "yes", specify where:
Are you interested in hosting in Catalunya some of the events you are planning for 2024 – 2028? *
Annual budget *
Average group size *
Average domestic events per year *
Average international events per year *
Buyers interested in (Only for Suppliers):
Other industries
In case your answer is "other industries", please specify:
Is sustainability a reason to choose a DESTINATION for your events? (Please rate the importance from 1 to 5, where 1 is ‘not at all important’ and 5 is ‘very important') *
Is sustainability a reason to choose a SUPPLIER for your events? (Please rate the importance from 1 to 5, where 1 is ‘not at all important’ and 5 is ‘very important') *
FAM TRIPS - Choose the FT you would like to join (except Press that can only choose Presstrip 8 and Associations that can only choose Fam Trip 9) *
Check the updated version of the programs: https://event.meetmaps.com/meetcatalonia24/en/info
En cas d'haver seleccionat altres, especifica quines:
Necessitaràs allotjament la nit abans del workshop? *
Si us plau, en cas d'emergència, facilita una persona i mòbil de contacte: *
What transport will you use to get to the event? *
If you want to travel in someone else's shared car, check the "Shared car if possible" box and we will put you in touch with someone who offers their own car.
How many free places do you have? *
I give my consent for my information to be shared with Meet Catalunya's participants. By registering, I'm accepting the terms and conditions. *
The form has been submitted successfully
Payment correctly processed.
Check your inbox, you will get an email soon. If you don't get it in less than 2 minutes, check your junk mail or spam folders.