31 Diciembre

World Artificial Intelligence & Data Science Conference (WDC-2022) will take place on 17th March, 2022 virtually, with a theme “AI & Data Science-The Next Generation of Future Innovations“.

World Artificial Intelligence & Data Science Conference aims to deliver the advancements of AI & data science, its management, innovation, application, latest researches and comprises of presentations, panels and round-table discussions to highlight AI & Data Science scenario, industries automation process, AI implementation and research and other relevant topics. WDC-2022 will provide a valuable opportunity for innovators, researchers and industry experts to exchange their ideas.

The event is built to be business and academia, practical and technical, realistic and futuristic, national and global, live and digital, inspiring and exciting. It is showcasing some of the best AI innovative projects, innovations, latest products, business ideas and services, presented by some of the most advanced and innovative organisations in the world to a distinct global audience. WDC-2022 is the place where hundreds of the finest minds from top executives and innovative professionals, to the brightest AI educators, come along to build and reinforce networks.

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