On April 15, 16 and 17 2024, the Basque Country is set to host the Creativity World Forum (CWF24), in Bilbao, Vitoria-Gasteiz, and Donostia/ San Sebastián, the three vibrant Basque capital cities.
Please, we kindly ask you to complete all the information carefully since there are limited places for the different sessions and itineraries.
The registration will be open until April 5.
1. Registration
2. Buy tickets
3. Confirmation
Tickets are no longer available for this event. No more registrations are accepted.
Please specify:
First Name. *
Last Name. *
Country *
Job position. *
Institution/Company. *
Email *
Confirm email *
Have you attended the CWF before? *
Are you a member of the DC Network? *
How did you hear about the event? *
Mailing from the organizers
Social media
Written press
Project's partners
DC Network
From a colleague/friend
Attendance format: *
The CWF24 event programme is built for face-to-face attendance format, given the participant the opportunity and space to learn, experience, network and exchange.
The organizers have put in place the livestreaming as an option (only watching) with limited access to content-presentations for Day 1 and Day 3 of the event.
What is your professional profile? *
Other professional profile:
What is your institutional sector? *
Other sector:
Among the areas of interest listed below, please choose a maximum of 3. *
Models of innovation in CCIs governance policies
CCIs policy evaluation systems
Disruptive technologies and its impact on culture and creativity
CCIs as a catalyst for green, sustainable future and societal impact
Co-creation of services
Local and global markets
Private capital investnment
New educational systems and entrepreneurial skills
Possible educational models, currents needs of CCIs sectors
New narratives about climate change from the CCIs
New business models for CCIs
CCIs and the digital transition
Among the following motivations/objectives to attend CWF24, please choose a maximum of 3. *
Business opportunities
Learn about new initiatives in the field of CCIs
Gain knowledge on innovative governance models
Exchange experiences
Search for potential partnerships opportunities in projects
Skill enhancement
Inspiration and innovation
Stay updated on trends
Are you attending Day 1? (Bilbao) *
Are you attending Day 2? (Bilbao, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Donostia-San Sebastián) *
Please specify what other dietary/allergy requirements you have apart from those mentioned above:
In order to facilitate productive networking, by registering, you consent to other conference participants having access to the personal information you submit. *
Please note that your personal information (i.e., name, last name, job position, institution/company, country, short bio description and picture) may be shared with others and that you will also be able to see other attendees' information.
During CWF24, a professional photographer and videographer will be present to create promotional, social media and legacy content for the CWF. *
Emergency contact name and phone number:
Which itinerary are you interested in for Day 1 afternoon? *
Please note that we will try to respect your preference, but there is no 100% guarantee since there is a limited number of places per itinerary. Thank you for your understanding.
In Day 1, would you like to participate in the Speed Meeting Carousel or Global Challenge 1 session? *
Please note that these are parallel sessions.
Speed Meeting Carousel: Meet as many people as possible in a limited time.
Global Challenge 1: New narratives on Climate change from CCIs - visioning on a future worth having. This session is intended to work in groups towards this challenge.
Which Thematic Area (TA) will you be attending on Day 2? *
Please note that these Thematic Areas (TA) sessions will be parallel and will take place in different cities across the Basque Country. The organizer will be providing transportation from the main venue: Euskalduna Conference Centre, Bilbao.
In Day 3, would you like to participate in the Global Challenge 2 session or Global Challenge 3 session? *
Please note that these are parallel sessions and are intended to work in groups towards these challenges.
Global Challenge 2: New business models for CCIs: how do we incorporate creativity and innovation?.
Global Challenge 3: CCIs and the digital transition: towards more competitive cultural and creative industries.
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