Registration form
Name *
Full surname *
Passport /ID Number *
Email *
Confirm email *
Contact email for pre-event communications and during the event.
Participant group *
From which country were you invited? *
Country *
Indicate the client´s number *
You can check an invoice or ask your STMNT manager.
If you are not from Barber’s participant group or if you are from Artero, please indicate 0.
In what language do you want to receive communications? *
Phone *
Contact for pre-event communications and during the event.
Special Diets/Food restrictions *
Companion name *
Companion full surname *
Companion Passport /ID Number *
Companion email *
Companion Special Diets/Food restrictions
Image Rights *
Henkel Privacy Policy

You, as a participant in the event organized by HENKEL (hereinafter, the "Event"), by including your data in the form and in the documents provided with the same (including health data such as intolerances, allergies or other medical data of similar nature) declare that they are true, and consent to the processing of the same for the purpose of management of the "Event" and provision of services directly or indirectly related to it, being consent the basis of legitimacy for the lawful processing of your personal data.
Further, by checking the corresponding box, you expressly consent to the processing of images and photographs that may be taken during the "Event" of you, regardless of the medium in which they have been collected partially or totally all means of distribution, exhibition, transfer, publication in books, magazines, websites, and distribution in any other medium or format as appropriate, for the sole purpose of preparing a memory of the Event, and in any case, for the maximum period of protection established by the current Intellectual Property Law. This transfer of rights will be made exclusively and free of charge to HENKEL.
Your data will be kept by HENKEL for the legally or contractually stipulated periods for the purposes of possible liabilities arising from the processing of such data.
HENKEL informs you that your Data will be treated at all times in the strictest confidence and in accordance with the uses and purposes expressly provided for above. The responsible for the file is HENKEL IBÉRICA, S.A. with address C/ Bilbao, 72 - 84, 08005 Barcelona, before whom you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, suppression, opposition to the treatment, as well as the right to limit the treatment and portability of the data, in the form and conditions established by the current legislation on data protection.
For any other questions relating to the protection of your data, please contact Henkel Ibérica, S.A. by e-mail at [email protected], indicating "Data Protection" in the subject line.


You authorize HENKEL IBÉRICA, S.A., to photograph and film you during the development of STMNT held on June 15th, 2024 in Barcelona, and to use such content for organic publications and advertisements on social networks globally. Likewise, you authorize HENKEL IBÉRICA, S.A. to reproduce, use and disseminate your image and voice in any advertisement, promotion or similar activity related to the Action, in any current or future technical media (including, but not limited to, Television, Internet and Internet for mobile telephony). Such will always be done with due respect of the current legislation, in particular, the provisions contained in the Organic Law 1/1982 of May 5, 1982, on the Civil Protection of the Right to Honor, Personal and Family Privacy and Personal Image. You also assign to HENKEL IBÉRICA, S.A. all the rights of exploitation of your image derived from the filming and taking of photographs from the participation in the Action in the terms indicated in this clause.

The assignment of the aforementioned rights is made free of charge for the entire world, for a period of 2 years from the date of the content shooting.

HENKEL IBÉRICA, S.A. reserves the right to assign the right of use within the Henkel Group. For the record, I hereby accept this document by clicking the button below.
I accept the terms and conditions and the privacy policy. *
The form has been submitted sucessfully
Payment correctly processed.
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