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+33 (0)5 59 33 70 36
Rue du Bruscos, 64230, SAUVAGNON, SAUVAGNON, fr
SYCLOPE Electronique has used its know-how to provide with the HYDRO'Touch range, an equipment designed and dedicated to private pools, 100% French.
- HYDRO Touch pH: pH control with acid/base regulation and injection
- HYDRO Touch ORP: analysis and control of the Redox (ORP) for pool treatment by oxidant (chlorine, disinfectant...)
- HYDRO Touch pH & ORP: analysis and control of pH and ORP
- New in 2021 : HYDRO Touch pH & Chlorine : analysis and control of pH and Chlorine (equivalent to DPD1)
- New in 2021: HYDRO Touch pH & Chlorine plug: analysis and control of pH and chlorine for the management of an electrolyser
- HYDRO Touch pH+ & pH-: analysis and control of pH+ and pH- for the correction of unstable or variable pH
- HYDRO Touch Tempo: dosing of remanent products without chlorine: active oxygen
- ...
