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+33 (0)5 59 33 70 36
Rue du Bruscos, 64230, SAUVAGNON, SAUVAGNON, fr
The TEREO Touch XL, the new generation of the TEREO range, is the perfect combination of SYCLOPE's experience and its knowledge of the market and the problems of water treatment in collective pools.
The TEREO Touch XL allows:
> The control and management of pH, chlorine or bromine (sea water) and the measurement of the temperature of a single pool: single-pool, tri-parameters,
> Thanks to its large touch screen, to visualize at a glance, the global functioning of the device and the different parameters related to water quality, alarms...
> Simple and easy installation thanks to its pre-mounted and pre-wired panel,
> Remote control of the pool water quality by connecting the equipment to the MYSYCLOPE.COM remote monitoring system.

This equipment is dedicated to collective pools, campings, hotels, condominiums, spas...
