The Clean Industrial Deal: Energy, Trade, and Industry
Esade Madrid · 27 March 2025 · 18:00 h - 20:00 h
EsadeGeo, in collaboration with the Representation of the European Commission in Spain and InnoEnergy, is organising the 13th edition of its Annual Energy Meeting, a forum that brings together business leaders and public sector representatives to discuss how energy technologies, geopolitics and regulation shape the industrial landscape and social dynamics in the medium term.
This edition will focus on the Clean Industrial Deal, the European Commission’s flagship initiative in its first 100 days, designed to address the urgent challenges faced by businesses, workers, and policymakers in an increasingly complex global environment. Vice-President Teresa Ribera will present the vision and strategy behind this initiative, highlighting its role in strengthening Europe’s industrial competitiveness, accelerating the clean energy transition, and ensuring economic resilience amid geopolitical and technological shifts. Following her keynote address, a high-level panel discussion will explore how Europe can balance industrial growth with sustainability and the new landscape of trade.
Javier Solana, President, EsadeGeo
Diego Pavía, CEO, InnoEnergy
Lucas González Ojeda, Acting Director, Representation of the European Commission in Spain
Keynote Speech “Clean Industrial Deal”
Teresa Ribera, Executive Vice-President for a Clean, Just and Competitive Transition, European Commission
Panel "The Clean Industrial Deal: Balancing Competitiveness, Sustainability, and Geopolitical Challenges"
Antoni Ballabriga, Global Head Sustainability Intelligence & Advocacy, BBVA
Elena Bou, Executive Board Member & Innovation Director, InnoEnergy
Jose Noldin, CEO, GravitHy Green Steel
Blanca Perea, Head of Regulation and Integration for the Networks Business Unit, Naturgy
Moderator: Ángel Saz-Carranza, Director, EsadeGeo