This registration is no longer available. In case you are interested in participating, please fill this form to join the waiting list:
Name *
Last name *
Email *
Confirm email *
ID Number or Passport Number
*This is mandatory if you will need access to the wifi network of the venue, and will only be used to this purpose.
Company *
Job Title
Country *
Who do you most represent *
To which research project are you related (if any, e.g. ZDMP)?
Are you interested about receiving information on no cost exhibiting?
I'm attending on day *
DAY 1 - 25 APRIL
DAY 2 - 26 APRIL
DAY 3 - 27 APRIL
Select the days you are attending the Workshop. You can select one or more options.
Food allergies
Please, be as specific as possible.
- The organizers reserve the right to modify, suspend or alter any of the activities and shows proposed in the line-up.
- The event is planned to be held in a face-to-face format with 100% indoor capacity. We continue to monitor local government regulations on the Covid situation and will communicate any changes closer to the event date. To plan your trip, please refer to the current regulations applied by the Spanish Ministry of Health.
-The organizers may record, rebroadcast and film the attendees to document the conference, archive images, publicity and others.
- The attendee accepts that the organization may record, broadcast, film and use his/her image for video, image, publicity and official visual material of the event, as an attendee of Digital Manufacturing Industrial Sumit 2023.
The form has been submitted successfully
Payment correctly processed.
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